Illustration of a wheelchair user adapting to being back at work.

Work and health coaches

We have a number of work and health coaches who are all experienced and trained to help you.

Coaches will offer you an initial assessment to fully understand your situation and what is needed to help you move forward. They will help with employment rights, return-to-work planning, and creating clear objectives to address any physical, psychological and/or social needs you may have.

If you are happy, coaches can also contact your employers to share the work plan and provide any advice or make requests for workplace adjustments on your behalf. They can also support you in meetings you may have with your line manager or HR.

Coaches provide personalised health support, and they will follow-up with you as much or as little as you need. The support they provide is ongoing for six months to help you take stock and adjust anything, as well as recommending and signposting to more services, if needed.

In addition, they can help you with accessing education and training, writing CVs or job applications or offering you interview tips to help build your confidence.