Illustration of GP sat at desk reviewing notes on laptop.

Call, email or get referred

Illustration of WorkWell support worker with headset smiling while taking a call.

Our work coaches will chat to you

Illustration of a young person working from home on a call.

We will find you free support

Am I eligible to take part in WorkWell?

To be eligible you will be either:

  • out-of-work and need health-related support to return to work or
  • employed and either absent through sickness or struggling in the workplace due to a health condition.

You must also meet the following criteria:

  • Your home address OR address of your GP/local Jobcentre Plus falls within the WorkWell Service, which is Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.
  • You are over 16.
  • You have the right to work in the UK.

Referral form