Frequently asked questions
If you have the right to work in the UK, are over 16 and live in Bristol, North Somerset or South Gloucestershire with a health condition affecting your ability to work then get in touch and find out how we can help.
WorkWell is voluntary and free, providing you with a personalised, single point of access to many support services available locally. How much advice you take is up to you, but we will support you at a pace that you are comfortable with, that takes all your personal circumstances into account.
WorkWell is a partnership programme which means we have lots of organisations working together to help you stay in work, return to a job after a period of absence or to help you find a new job.
We help for a period of six months, but ongoing support is always available to those who need a bit of extra help achieving their goals.
It is completely up to you. You can contact us in the first instance before making a referral yourself or if you would like to speak to your GP or someone in your HR team first, they can make the referral for you. It really is quick and easy to do, and someone will be in touch shortly afterwards to explain what happens next.